Posted in life after loss, motherhood, mothering a rainbow, Mum Blogger, mummy blog, parenting, parenting after loss

Sickness Bugs

We have gone roughly 2 and a half years without Ellie being ill. As a newborn she was very sicky, she had reflux and an intolerance to cow’s milk which of cause made her very sick. It took us until she was around 3 months for her intolerance to be diagnosed and I remember going through multiple outfit changes so much more than an average newborn did. The muslin cloths were our best friends during those first few months. However since then she has never really had any illnesses…until this week.

I’m not sure whether she caught the bug I had last week or whether she had just caught it from soft play or just that it was generally in the air but knowing she hasn’t been well has made me over-analyse EVERYTHING. Was it something she ate? Would she throw up in the night? Would she die? Of cause I know that she really had a sickness bug and it would be the first of thousands in her life but parenting after the death of your first child any child causes you to lose your rational thinking and mentally prepare for the worst.

Ellie has been perfectly fine in herself, laughing, running around but she has been clingy (more so than her usual self) and not interested in leaving her bedroom. Actually, as sickness bugs go, this one was really mild and she was only physically sick three times in three days and I know it could have been far worse.

It has been tough knowing she isn’t well and I have tried so hard not to become a narcotic mother who runs to the doctor whenever she is unwell, mainly because the doctors are useless and its hard getting an appointment even for a toddler!


Wife & Mum of 2; Jason born and died 29/03/15 and Ellie born 01/11/16. Hoping to break the silence around baby loss and the journey of parenting a rainbow baby one blog post at a time.

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